Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Volta Region

This weekend was amazing! We woke up at 7am and took a van 3 hours to Wli waterfall. We hiked for a while and then swam in the waterfall it was sooooo amazing (pictures to come)! It was def really exhilerating to say the least. Only me and the three boys were brave enough to go in (tee hee hee). After the waterfall we went to the hotel and swam until dinner... then we swam after dinner and went to sleep. In the morning we woke up and went to a monkey sanctuary. The monkeys and the forrest are well taken care of because they are believed to be sacred. The legend has it that the cheif of the village would turn the villagers into monkeys every time he left so that they could hide in the forrest and be protected from people who were trying to harm them. One day the chief left and turned everyone into monkeys but he was killed and so he never returned to change them back. To this day, the people in the park have never found a dead or sick monkey and they think that the chief gave his life to make them eternal. The monkeys came up to us and peeled the bananas that we held in our hands. It was so amazing to be so close to them, they are so cute I want one!!!!! (Pictures to come soon) After that we left for home and made it home pretty early like noon. We cleaned the house and swapped pics and all watched Superbad together it was pretty fun!! I think that one of the remaining weekends we are going back to the waterfall again and climbing to the second level :) I cant wait!


  1. Did the monkeys peel the bananas in your hands for you to eat?? or did they eat them??

    You are soooooo lucky to experience this!!!
    Why were the others not brave enought to swim?
    Was it too deep? Was it too cold?? Can't wait to see the pics.

  2. Wow beth when were you ever the adventerous one that would jump in the waterfall with the boys....i know that wasnt you in the canoe trip! hahaha....oh and also we all thought that you were bringing home a baby, well i guess we were wrong your bringing home a baby monkey instead! miss ya!

  3. Thanks for posting, B! Did you guys go anywhere else in the Volta Region? Students on ThisWorldMusic's top-rated Study in Ghana program live for 2 weeks in the Ewe village of Kopeyia, about 2 hours south of Ho (the regional capital). Most of our time is spent at the world renowned Dagbe Cultural Institute & Arts Centre, where students receive credit from the University of Massachusetts Amherst for studying traditional Ghanaian drumming & dancing.

    If you're interested in returning to Ghana, you should join us!
