Thursday, December 3, 2009

12 days until I'm home :)

I finished all of my papers!!! :) I feel so relieved! Now I only have one exam to study for which is on Wednesday... and then school and everything is over. This weekend a few of us are going to travel a little and go to some beaches and just work on our tans before heading back to the freezing cold weather in MI lol. On Monday one of the girls (Alicia) is leaving so on Sunday the Aya Center is taking us all out for dinner and dancing which will be really fun! Other than that I really don't have any other plans set in stone. A couple of people are going to a voodoo market in Togo which sounds ind of interesting so I might put that on my adventure list?? Miss everyone and cant wait to see you in 12 short days :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


  1. Only 12 more days!!!

    Hope all goes well for your exam!!

    LOVE YA!!

  2. Come home now! Pleasebe safe-keep your gaurd up still-your not home yet!Love you!
