Monday, December 14, 2009

Im finally coming home...

We all went out for a last dinner to a resturaunt that sells wild game. Everyone ate ostrage, wild boar, warthog, crocodile and waterbuck... ew I had a salad but the whole table smelled like meat. We also went out dancing for the last time which was fun... we went to the art market for a few last minute gifts and then pretty much just packed. im leaving for the airport in what seems like an eternity! just thought i would update everyone since i will have no form of communication in a little while. Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers- i will return home safetly :) I also heard that cousin Emily was having a sad day missing me so I just wanted to reassure her that i am coming home and I can't wait for a BIG hug from her. I miss everyone sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. See you all soon!

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