Monday, August 31, 2009


Friday was quite an adventure. I woke up feeling better but still not 100%. I went to the Aya Center to finish my paper, and then went back home to do my readings for class. Some people had to go to their internships today so the others waited for them to get home to figure out what we were going to do tonight. A few of them decided that they were going to go out on the town but I still wasn't feeling the best so I decided to stay home. But I was bored out of my mind from being at home for the past couple of days trying to get over my cold.. so I decided that I was going to attempt to make sugar cookies. Another girl said that she'd rather bake then go out so we went to the Aya Center and googled some recipes before it closed for the weekend. Then we walked to the campus night market to try and find everything that we needed. We stopped at every stand looking for all of the ingredients. We had to buy flour from three different stands because apparently its really rare? We ended up finding almost everything except for vanilla and baking soda... but we found baking powder so we just improvised. We also tried to make powdered sugar with this wooden bowl and pounder thingy that we have for spices but that didn’t work either lol :( We dont have any measuring cups, we dont have a big mixing bowl and the oven has high medium and low settings (not temperatures)... so it was quite challenging! We also found a recipe for peanut butter frosting so we made that up to mask the taste of the cookies if they were bad lol! The cookies ended up turning out quite nicely. They looked and tasted more like a pastry/muffin top ish thing...? but with the frosting and everything they were really good and everyone loved them!!! Other interesting things that I tried today included starfruit which is the best fruit I have ever tasted! I also ate a green orange which was interesting and tasted like a regular orange, and I tried rice with butter and sugar which actually is my new favorite food ever! After the cookies were done the lady came with our dresses and we all tried them on and looked at some more of her fabrics and designs. Other interesting things that occured today. We found an alive cockroach under the drying rack for our dishes. I saw a ghecko in my room and now can't find it anywhere and also a cocoon like thing hatched in my bathroom and wormy larva came out of it... so basically I'm freaking out and I couldn’t sleep because my nose was stuffed so I had to breathe with my mouth open and I'm scared of gecko cockroach worms being in or around my mouth... so yeah pretty interesting and exhausting but no sleep for me thank you very much lol!


  1. Beth-- Alex wants to know what a ghecko cockroach worm is??
    Sounds like you are really trying to find ways to eat over there. It really makes one appreciate what we have here in the usa. One question: what is a pounder thingy?? :-) :-)
    The pictures of your dress look very nice!
    Can't wait to see it in person!!
    Aunt DeDe

  2. That is sooo funny, thanks for the laugh. Me & Felicia try to read this together and laugh at all your mishaps. We both love ya.

  3. That reminds me of when you subsituded powdered sugar withflour and sugar mixed together!I cant wait until you go on your. safari.TAKE YOUR BENADRYL(MACKINAW ISLAND)love you- great to hear your voice. Do you miss the washer and dryer????
