Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday I Got a Phone! YAY!

A lot of us have been trying to get phones since day 1. There is a little place on our road that sells cell phones and he told us that he would have some on Thursday by noon. Well noon came around and he was nowhere to be found so we went to internship class which is only an hour long and we get to talk about what we are doing at all of our different internships so that should be fun! After class we went back to check at the phone place and he had one... which didn't come in a box so it was used for sure... and he was deleting all of the old contact information so I'm pretty sure he stole it lol? And he wanted $50 for it... even though the brand new ones at the mall with the charger and everything were only $45. So now we have a new saying- if it seems shady... it is shady lol. Anyway so we walked to the Tigo store and got a sim card it was only 1 cedi. Then we filled them with minutes. Of course they dont sell phones at the Tigo store that would make life to simple. So we got on a trotro heading towards the mall and we all got phones there! I'm so excited to have a phone. I feel much safer! After that whole ordeal we went home and I took some benedryl and went to sleep because it took everything out of me lol. I felt much better in the morning but still not 100% I'm finishing my paper so that I can have a ton of fun this weekend and not have to worry about ti lol. But I do have a lot of reading for my other classes so hopefully I can finish it today!!! I also found out why the trotros are called trotros which I think is interesting and wanted to share lol. When the British ruled and their currency was in use it cost two threepences (tro) to ride them - so came the name trotro or two threepences. :) There is your awesome trivia fact of the day! My goal this weekend is to make sugar cookies so wish me luck! I dont know if I will be able to write this weekend since I wont have much access to the internet but I'll try :) I miss everyone so much and thank you to everyone that comments on my blog I love it!


  1. Beth-- You take care of yourself!! We want you feeling your BEST! Speaking of shady--- we have too much around here!! What I mean is that we are not getting much sun. Weather is too cool!!
    We'll have to close the pool due to low/no usage!
    School starts next week (9/2) and I can't wait!
    Keep your eyes open for those "shady" deals!
    Love Aunt DeDe

  2. I'm glad you're having so much fun! I'm living vicariously through you since I'll NEVER be brave enough to go somewhere like that. :) I hope you're feeling better soon and good luck with the sugar cookies!

  3. i meant to say Ilove hearing your "boice"(voice) !!!!!!Wow, that seems like a whole lifetime ago!LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND SO PROUD OF YOU! mom
