Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wed- not much to report

Wednesday we started classes. The first one is called Ghana Today and its about the history of Ghana and how that impacted the people/economy/language of Ghana. The teacher seems smart but is really slow paced. Its not like school in the states thats for sure. Out other class is about the sociology aspect of the people in Ghana. Dr. Williams teaches it- yesterday was more like a review so I hope that the next class is more intersting lol. In between classes I took a nap because I seem to have come down with a cold/flu... in 80 degree weather even! But I'm taking medicine and no worries I should be fine soon :) After class we made homeade spaghetti sauce which turned out really well surprisingly and I made some garlic bread that everyone loved so we all had a great meal together which was really nice. It took a really long time to cook so it was pretty late after we got done. My full belly made me sleepy so I went to bed lol.


  1. Nite=nite baby. Sleep well and maybe you will feel better in the morning. If not, please get checked out. (always a mom!) It was great to hear your voice!Love you, mommy

  2. take care of yourself Beth!!
    We all want you to stay well for your African experience!!
    We all LOVE you!
    The Jonas clan
