Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Home for now... The first night in Ghana

The hostel that we are living in is very different than I expected. There is a huge porch out in the front and there are lizards and gheckos that love to climb all over the walls. They even come visit us inside sometimes and I try to ignore them because they eat all the bugs lol. I havent been bitten or even seen any mosquitos yet but here there are very tiny... but I have been taking my malaria mediucation so I'll be fine. When you walk into the hostel there is a large living room with big wicker furniture and an old TV that gets a few channels. The walls kind of look like stucko and the floors are tile. There are a ton of doors that lead into rooms and multiple entrances and exits to every room its so confusing! I get lost still every time I try to find my room. There are three boys and 6 girls so the 3 boys share a room and then there are 2 girls in each of the other three bedrooms. The rooms are pretty nice... they have bunkbeds and a closet and a bathroom each. The showers dont have very much water pressure and its freezing cold but I cant imagine taking a warm shower in this heat anyway. The weather has been pretty nice so far. August is Ghanas coldest month so I guess I will probably be complaining about the heat in future blogs! After all of that travel... I have to be up at 6 to get ready for breakfast and our orientation so I'll update later. P.S. Gess hwo mi roomeight is... lol :) and btw shes 52 years old


  1. I love those little lizards!! There are a lot of them down in florida too, although probably not the same species I would imagine? So you mentioned that it is the coldest month there, but what is cold for them. I'm guessing 60's or 70's. If it's higher, then good luck in with the following months. And whoh girl, wat happened with your spelling in that last Who is your roommate? Is it Hillary Clinton cause I hear she's over there :-P

  2. hey beth--
    glad you made it safe!
    so--who is she?
    Is she a 4 month roomie or a temp?

  3. hahaha I cannot believe she is your roomie! We called that one from the get-go! Hope you are having lots of fun and Im glad you are safe! Love you and miss you tons!

  4. That is just our luck, huh! Just make the best of it!!!!Your room sounds nice-exept the reptiles!! It isso cool you will be working with theschool system. WHERE DO YOU GET SOMETHING TO EAT? I cant wait for yoour next blog entery. Hey, he boy doll came today his name is Totally Troy! She was so freaked out! She played with it all day.! Love you mom

  5. No way! How do you get so lucky? lol :) Just try not to let her habits rub off on you!
