Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I made it safe :) but theres not time to write so I'll update everyone as soon as I can!


  1. This is not acceptable.... your followers demand you make time for us! :-P
    -Eric Traub

  2. I am sooo excited for you!!!!!!!! Thank God you made it safely!!! I will be hanging on your every word. Do not leave anything out! Have you eaten anything yet????????? Love you ,mom

  3. i miss you im taking good care of your bare i hope you aret eating fo fo stiks

  4. Hi Bethany,
    or should I say Click--click--clickckick
    love you and hope that you have a great learnng experience and I hope that this is te first of many great traveles in your lifetime, have a great time while you are there
    { don't forget to sight see while you are there}

    LOL Dad

  5. hey beth, You are in AFRICA!!!!!Wow!!!
    Have fun for all of us. stay safe. Love ya, Your other mother, Kris

  6. I only had time to type about my flights so far but I'll update it as to what has been going on as soon as I can. They have been slowly introducing us to Ghanaian food so I have been eating well since its mostly been American food lol! tty soon!
