Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tro Tro!! and other random observations!

This morning we had to be ready at 7am to catch a tro tro (which is a bus van taxi thing) to get to the museums that we were going to tour today. Tro Tros are these vans that they gut the seats our of and put little tiny seats back in to jam as many people as they can into them. We waited at the tro tro stop by our house and split into a couple of groups and waited for a tro tro to come by that was yelling ACCRA ACCRA because thats the station that we needed to get off at. Finally one stopped that could fit all of us on there and we boarded squished all together. I paid the drivers first mate and we were on our way. At one point in time the tro tro stopped to let someone offnd I had to get out to let the person out and the tro tro started driving away and I thought that I was going to be lost forever at this random tro tro stop in the middle of nowhere, but thankfully everyone yelled stop from my group and the driver slowed down while i caught up and jumped into the moving van while the people from my group pulled me back in as it was still in motion. OMG scary as ever... i decided I dont care how far away my intership is im walking!! lol! Then we went to the memorial of the first president of Ghana and the house of W.E.B. DuBouis which were really intersting museums... and we took taxis to get lunch at a pizza place which tasted really great :) We then went to a market place called the culture center... it was kind of an African version of Shipshewanna... it was really fun I want to buy everything! Then we headed to our 2nd twi lesson and here I am now typing on the comuter right after it!!

Random Observations: Almost all of the people here (even the less educated ones) speak aleast 3 languages which I think is amazing since some people back home even struggle with English.
All of the nice house have these big fences with barbed wire on top of them... even our house does. And we have a huge gate at the front of our driveway and a security guard that wont let anyone in but us which is really nice!
I am finally starting to adjust to the time change! :)

I have to go now because the Aya Center is closing but I'm so glad my blogis up to date finally!! YAY! I'll update soon :)


  1. this is all sooo amazing, I love hearng your day to day life. I can picture it all in my head. Love ya Kris

  2. Beth-
    I just love it!!! You are so lucky to experience all this!! Some of your writings have me laughing so much, I have tears!!
    Just so you know-- I'm going to be trading in
    the H3 for a "tro tro"!!!

  3. Hi baby!! I want to ride the tro- tro. you know I do!! Dont ever get off again make them climb over you lol!!!!!!This is all soooo amazing. I cant wait to read whats next. I was laughing so hard! Wish I was there with you!!!love you mom

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Beth! I now want to visit Africa! I cant believe how amazing it sounds this totally changed my opinion on it! I would suggest perhaps not getting out of the van taxi thing next time! I'm glad you're having a wonderful time!

  6. hi beth this is grandma i am so glad you are getting to see so much what's the price of gas? do you pay each time you go in the trow? are you going to the rain forest? do they have churches?shopping malls?be safe. we love you.
